Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Twenty-Two Days

That's how much time I have left until the end of our Biggest Loser Challenge. SIGH.

My goal for this whole little project was to lose 15 pounds this fall. So far, I've lost *almost* 10. That means I have around 5.5 pounds to lose in 22 days. It's not impossible, but I also don't want to absolutely count on that happening. It's hard not to get discouraged... The scale doesn't exactly read what I'd hoped it would at this point in our competition. But I know that I've also been busy making myself over on the inside, and I know that this internal work can sometimes take just as much energy as all the external stuff.

At the end of it all, I hope that I'll be able to see this project as a success - no matter what the scale says on December 23. It's a journey, that's for sure. I can't say that I love my body. But I don't hate it as much as I used to. And that's progress, right? On top of that, I know that - even if I fall short of my goal - losing 10 pounds is nothing to be ashamed of. It's 10 more than 0 :)

By the way, why did no one warn me that - as some of the residual baby weight comes off your tummy - things actually get FLABBIER?! Ugh.

Anyway. The point of this all is that I've spent this evening watching the *real* Biggest Loser. It's the second-last episode of the season, which by definition makes it The Marathon Episode. Which by definition ALWAYS MAKES ME CRY. It's just that I know *exactly* how these people feel, pushing themselves to finish a marathon even when their bodies say DUDE, NO WAY - and even if it means taking all day and limping across that finish line 26.2 miles after you started.

It's such an inspirational episode, and I'm in awe of how STRONG these people are. But it's an extra kind of inspirational for me because it makes me realize that I have that strength in me too. And I know that I'll kick this weight thing yet - because I'm strong. I'm a girl who finished a marathon. Heck, I'm a girl *with arthritis* who finished a marathon.

I may have lost it, but I know it's there. It's in me.

By the way, THAT'S STILL CRAZY TO ME. Seriously. What was I thinking?! Easily the stupidest idea I've ever had :)

But want to know an even crazier secret? I kind of want to do it again.

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At December 01, 2009 10:17 PM, Anonymous Momma said...

AND please keep in mind that you're fighting gallstones and waiting for surgery. You need to give yourself that. So...did you make the call? (CRAZY! - the word verification was marathoy)

At December 02, 2009 2:59 PM, Blogger ka said...

Oh, the flab. I'm convinced I could get 15 lbs skinnier than I was pre-baby... *scratch*

Okay, let me rephrase that (the above seems to suggest I could just wave my magic wand and have it happen - right :). If, by some miraculous act of willpower and yet-to-be-discovered love of exercise, I ever GOT 15 lbs skinnier than I was pre-baby, I'm prety sure there would always be a little "something-something" still hanging onto the sides. SO annoying.

Fortunately the littler monsters that emerge to leave the flab behind are pretty stinking cute. Almost makes you okay with the flab. Almost. :)

At December 02, 2009 3:59 PM, Anonymous Marilyn said...

Well done...the 10 lbs. lost are gone. That's always a bit amazing.


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