Saturday, November 21, 2009

Very Well Meaning

I'm a little bit crazy.

BIG NEWS, I know. But what makes this statement noteworthy is that - this time, and for this particular example - I know WHY.

I'm preparing to fall into bed exhausted, knowing that my alarm is set for 07.30 so that I can get up, get myself presentable, head off to a breakfast meeting, and then enter frenzy mode in order to prepare for Briony's party. I am fully aware that these demands will render me too tired to properly enjoy said party. And you know what? I don't care. Not one iota.

No one but me will know that this party is less perfect than the one I'd planned in my head, because I realize that I am seriously the only one who cares. SHE'S ONE YEAR OLD. She doesn't know that it's her birthday. She has absolutely no expectations about tomorrow other than getting fed, playing for a while, and hopefully having a nap at some point. As for everyone else, they're coming to see HER, not to put on their snotty white gloves and inspect my housekeeping (or lack thereof). And maybe to eat cake. But we've got that one covered.

But knowing all that, I still need to put at least a little bit of effort into making it special, because here's the thing. Briony's going to grow up special - partially because she's just a cool kid, and partially because she's growing up with a sick mom. There will always be little things that she's going to miss out on because I am not a 'normal' healthy mom. I hate that, but it's the cold hard truth. And I have decided that birthday parties WILL NOT be one of those things missing from her childhood. They might not be huge and ridiculous and extravagant, but - by golly - the girl will have birthday parties. And I feel like we're setting precedent a little bit here.

A little bit crazy? Absolutely. But I cling to the fact that it's very well meaning, and completely out of love for my incredible one year old baby girl. I just want the world for her. That's not too much, is it?

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At November 21, 2009 10:21 AM, Anonymous Marilyn said...

It MIGHT be too much to ask of yourself and you are looking after Briony when you take care of her mom:) Have a great celebration.

At November 21, 2009 8:12 PM, Blogger ka said...

Puh-leeze. If you let the kid eat cake on her birthday you're already one-upping her friend Scarlett's party. I know, I know. When the announce the Fun Mother of the Year, I won't be on the podium.

Sorry we missed it. I'm having the most ridiculous week... Will talk soon!

At November 21, 2009 8:55 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Hey, KA... Have we met?... My name is Lindsay and my daughter most certainly did not taste anything remotely resembling a cake today - or any other day :)


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