Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Book Review: Out of the Spin Cycle

This month, I reviewed two new 'mommy' books. After the fiasco that was last month, I was wary to say the least. When I read the author bio and saw that she's a pastor's wife, I braced myself for 175 pages of stories that would make me feel completely inadequate as a new Christian mother.

Jen Hatmaker's new devotional book, Out of the Spin Cycle: Devotions to Lighten Your Mother Load, was such a pleasant surprise. In fact, it was something I'd been wanting and needing.

Each chapter is designed to be read in one short sitting and talks about a completely down-to-earth aspect of motherhood - things like worrying and comparing and trying to do it all and losing your sense of self - in a way that makes you think THIS WOMAN'S GOT KIDS. I actually found myself laughing out loud a couple of times - and I cried when I read that she'd found the 'new baby' season of parenting a little bit traumatizing because I'd never heard anyone say that before (and it's true). Her authenticity is so refreshing, and she ties in verses or other references to the Bible in a way that feels organic and didn't make me roll my eyes once. And at the end of each chapter, she asks one or two good questions that I found myself thinking about for the rest of the day.

I found her writing engaging and casual in a way that makes you feel like you got to spend some quality time with a friend - when all you really did was grab three minutes for yourself while your first pot of coffee was brewing and your kid was watching TV and munching on a pre-breakfast appetizer of Cheerios (oh wait... was I supposed to admit to that?).

I realize that the concept of a 'devotional book' is incredibly Evangelical Christian, but I wish that ALL moms would take the time to spend a few minutes every day in this type of reflection and walk away encouraged and challenged and affirmed. But if you're not scared of some Jesus stuff and you're looking for a devotional book that meets you right where you're at, I'd highly encourage you to check this one out.

Book has been provided courtesy of Baker Publishing Group and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available at your favourite bookseller from Bethany House, a division of Baker Publishing Group.



At July 08, 2010 9:03 AM, Blogger Domestic Bloggess said...

sounds like one I might have to check out. thanks for the review!

At July 09, 2010 5:54 PM, Blogger Jen Hatmaker said...

This is the sweetest review, Lindsay! And for the record, I HATE devotionals because they are usually so Christiany. Thank you for these kind words about Spin Cycle...much love to you as you live in the real world and follow Jesus!


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