Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I refuse to be That Mommy Freelancer who calls with a fussy baby in the background.

It's a noble goal, but a tricky one, because it basically involves scheduling EVERYTHING around (a) naps, (b) Geoff's work schedule, and (c) Katie Days. Geoff's sleeping off an extra-long night shift today. And it's NOT a Katie Day. And my baby decided to skip her morning nap and then nap during lunchtime - when everyone I need to call for interviews is gone for lunch. The project is due tomorrow, so I may be forced to make calls with a Background Baby this afternoon. Argh. And I'd done such a good job of being a Professional Freelancer up until this point (officially one week + one day, for those of you keeping track).

The very worst part is that I used to get those calls - particularly from freelance magazine writers. And I would bitch them out behind their backs, super annoyed that they'd had the balls to call me and waste my time with an inefficient interview. Or even worse, an inefficient SERIES of interviews, because sometimes they'd need to call back a couple of times in between the crying fits.

And what am I working on this week? A freelance magazine article.

Oh freelance gods, how you mock me.

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At October 21, 2009 10:31 AM, Blogger ka said...

Karma's a bugger. :)

I had my first BRUTAL one last week. I was calling a lady back about a book party, and in the middle of my call my 'soon-ready-for-bed' baby girl fell. Hard. There were tears. Like a good mother, I picked her up, plunked her in a chair, ran into the spare room to get the last few details, hung up, and then begged eternal forgiveness from my daughter for ignoring her trauma.

Just wait until your kid totally gives up morning naps. Awesomeness.


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