Thursday, October 08, 2009

Week 1 Recap + Weigh In

Okay, so we've officially wrapped up Week One of our Biggest Loser Challenge.

How's it going? Umm... It's okay. It's actually been kind of challenging for me so far. This ridiculous weather change that we've had here has me really flared up, and once you factor in some whiplash from our car accident and a gallbladder attack... Yeah. Clearly, the universe doesn't want me to be working out. (Good thing I don't have a whole lot of respect for what the universe wants.)

I did the best that I could with what I had to work with - and really, I suppose that's all we can really hope for. I would have loved to pull a big number to start off with and really encourage me to stick with this. It didn't happen. But I didn't gain weight, and I didn't stay the same. Actually, I'm right on track for my moderate weight loss goal at the end of this whole project. So we're going to say that it was a good week.

Short-Term Goals (Week One):

1. Drink 2L of water every day.
I actually did better with this than I was expecting. On the days when I was at home, I did AWESOME. I just filled up a 2L jug with water (and lemon) in the morning and left it on the table. On the days when we were out, I didn't always totally finish the jug, but I made a decent dent in it. I'm going to keep this goal for Week Two and try for an even better success rate - even when I'm out during the day.

2. Be active in some way every day, even if it's only a walk around the block on a flare-up day.
Again, this wasn't a total disaster. There was one day when I just could not get those running shoes on. But on another day, we did Run for the Cure (5K!!). And I hauled out one of my Jillian Michaels DVDs on Thursday (she totally kicked my ass). So I'm going to count this as a moderate success as well, with room for improvement.

3. Start a folder of only healthy recipes that I can build on between now and Christmas.
I started thinking about this and collected a few, but I haven't really done anything with them yet. That's okay. I don't want to be a total overachiever, hehe.

4. DO NOT STEP ON THE SCALE AT ALL until the end of the week.
I actually did this. YAY ME!

Weight Loss Progress (Week One):

Goal: Lose 15 pounds between October 2 and December 23.

Progress to Date: 1.5 / 15



At October 09, 2009 10:56 AM, Blogger Jobina said...

Good for you! The water thing is key, at least for me. If I want to lose weight I HAVE to drink 8 glasses a day. Right now I just feel totally dehydrated all the time, so I'm trying to up my water intake. Maybe I'll have to do the water on the table/counter thing. It may just help.

At October 09, 2009 11:00 AM, Anonymous Marilyn said...

Good start with great ideas.

At October 09, 2009 12:10 PM, Blogger Domestic Bloggess said...

Way to go lady! I'm so proud of all that you accomplished in week 1! On to week 2!


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