Friday, October 16, 2009

A Good Start

Yesterday, I had a great meeting with an existing client, a mediocre meeting with an advisor, and then an abysmal meeting with a potential new client. I thought for a second that maybe my sinking mood was affecting the outcome of my meetings as the day progressed (actually, what's the opposite of 'progressed'?). In the light of a new day, I realized that my middle meeting was truly mediocre and my final meeting of the day was just a Bad Meeting. And that's okay. I don't have to do work with them. And I won't.

Today, I had another potential new client to meet with. I think that I went in with a little bit less enthusiasm than yesterday. And you know what? It was a Good Meeting. I'm new to this whole freelance thing, but I'm pretty sure that a cold email that leads to a coffee introduction meeting that leads to a contract and a first project is a Good Meeting, right? :)

YAY me. And YAY for my baby freelance business.

My day is off to a much better start. Briony even woke up happy this morning after spending yesterday evening in off-and-on teething-induced hysterics. (MY GOD can that girl scream when she's not happy.) Now I'm off to Tiber River to get my eyebrows done and then Oz to get my hair cut before I'm a single mom again for one last night shift before the weekend.

And did I mention that work officially begins on my new logo next week? I'm excited. This is all *so* much work, but I know that the payoff comes soon. My new life is starting to take shape now. I can peek into our future just a little bit, and I couldn't be happier about what I'm seeing.

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