Monday, July 28, 2008

Talk to the Expert

So I'm the featured guest speaker at the Running Room tonight. Each week, they bring in an expert to talk to their 'Learn to Run' clinic class about a different topic - and apparently I'm the 'expert' on active living with a chronic disease. (I know, I know - I laughed when I found out too.)

My plan is to share my story about growing up with arthritis, living with fibromyalgia, and participating in Joints in Motion. From there, I can definitely pull out a few principles that could apply to anyone - diseased or not.

I'm not really feeling *too* nervous about it, except that I have absolutely no idea what kinds of people will be at this clinic. And whenever I get up to speak and share my story with a bunch of strangers, I'm scared that it will come across as 'oh, look at the poor sick girl' and not 'hey, I can do that too' - which is definitely more what I'm going for. That, and my not-so-secret agenda to get some of these folks to consider signing up for Joints in Motion.

Anyway. Please send some positive energy in my general direction around 6 pm this evening. It's proving to be a long Monday, and I think I'll need it :)

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At July 28, 2008 1:39 PM, Blogger Amber said...

I think you should tell them that running makes you pregnant, too ;)

Good luck Lindsay! You're gonna do great.

At July 28, 2008 4:16 PM, Blogger Crystal said...

*sending positive thoughts*


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