Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Evidence of Things Unseen

A little bit of catch-up from my weekend...

I woke up on Saturday morning, feeling like someone was kicking me in the stomach. Maybe because that's precisely what was happening. Which may have been adorable, except that it was 06.23 am. Ugh. By around 07.05, I'd given up on getting back to sleep - the assault hadn't let up at all - and so I realized that I was up for the day and I jumped in the shower and headed for Niverville.

I spent the morning making jam with my mom and - surprise, surprise - my dad. It was great, because my mom could work on stirring at the table while the two 'healthy' ones did most of the running around. We just had to keep a verrry close eye on my dad, who was apparently hell-bent on 'improving' the jam-making process we've perfected over years and years and years of successful jam-making. Sigh. BOYS. Anyway. In the space of a few short hours, we had turned four large baskets of strawberries into several dozen containers full of jam, and a few more of sliced strawberries that will be made into smoothie-style goodness during the long, cold Manitoba winter. Jessica arrived just in time to have us fill her containers with finished jam (you'll have to teach me your trick, hehe). After that, it was definitely naptime for me, my mom, and Baby.

Later that night, back at home, I was lying in bed and reading a book when I had another strange mama-to-be moment. I felt Baby beginning another assault, but only a millisecond before I *saw* it. My stomach was bubbling and moving around like something was trying to escape. I couldn't stop giggling at it. I think that Geoff and I just sat and watched my stomach for at least a half-hour. I suppose that Baby must have been napping all day while I was hard at work, and Saturday night was party time.

Sigh. Baby will figure out soon enough that Mama isn't much of a Saturday night partier anymore. Or a morning person :)

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At July 22, 2008 11:21 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

I remember watching my babies do the same thing and always felt like i was watching a scene from Aliens. Weird but cool.

At July 22, 2008 12:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The nice thing about this phase is that you know where the child is - safe, secure and healthy:)

At July 22, 2008 8:42 PM, Blogger Margaret said...

Hey what do you do with those smoothies?

At July 22, 2008 11:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was some of my favorite time spent, watching the ripples across my stomach or the times when a sharp elbow or knee would protrude and make strange little bumps. So fun : )


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