I Like Explosions
I hate to link to the Winnipeg Sun, but the Free Press is all subscriber-only... Grr. Anyway.http://www.winnipegsun.com/News/Winnipeg/2006/03/27/1507012-sun.html
Question of the Day:
How difficult can it possibly be to blow something up? I mean, SERIOUSLY. Strap a bunch of dynamite to the places that are holding the building up, then watch 'er blow. Actually, very unintelligent people blow things up accidentally all the time.
The old arena deserved a much more spectacular ending. We should have overcompensated, made sure to leave a crater visible from outer space. A sinkhole so big, the stadium and maybe even Polo Park would have slid down into the bottom... That would have been AWESOME. Legendary. Something for us to tell our grandkids about.
Leave it to Manitobans to be too cheap to buy enough dynamite to get the job done.
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