Sunday, March 19, 2006

Update (yawn)

That yawn in the title was not meant to imply that this update will be boring. Rather, I am suggesting that I am tired while writing this little post.

I'm tired. I'm definitely experiencing fibromyalgia symptoms post-surgery, and it's so discouraging. I've fought against this - and won already - so it seems completely unfair that I've taken a step back again. I'm exhausted. I'm having trouble sleeping. I'm aching and hurting all over. I'm having trouble concentrating. It's like a time warp back about three or four months.

I'm sure it's just temporary and that I'll be back to my healthy, obnoxious self soon. But for now... I at least need enough energy to get my apartment into inspection-by-potential-future-tenants shape.

Not that it's not ALWAYS spic and span, mom :)



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