Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spring Cleaning

Something you may not know about me: I love spring cleaning. Seriously love it. I adore the feeling of having my entire life in order. There's something powerful about the absence of a junk drawer that makes you feel you can take over the world.

I've been whittling away at my cleaning this week, in anticipation of having strangers come and peek in all my closets (my apartment lease is almost up). It's kind of a forced spring cleaning.

Which led me to my next thought. Why spring cleaning? Doesn't it make more sense to do fall cleaning, just before you are forced to spend your entire existence indoors for months on end (at least if you live in Manitoba)? I've been looking at my own filth for months now - no wonder there's such a relationship between winter and depression.

Anyway. Hoping to make some more progress tonight. I move (yes, again) in just over a month and I'm trying not to get my hopes up yet... Mostly because I still need roommates. But I am so in love with the place I found :)



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