Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bucket List

I read this fascinating story today about a man who was told he had months to live, spent his life savings crossing things off his bucket list, and then found out he had been misdiagnosed.

I can't decide if that would be the best or worst possible thing to happen to a person.

What do you think? And what would you blow your savings on if you saw the end coming?



At November 25, 2010 4:30 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Kind of random, but do you remember back in the day on ER when Anthony Edwards' character Mark was dying? Their little family went and spent every last minute he had left together in Hawaii, and something about that has always stuck with me. Real life is not usually that simple, but it's such a beautiful idea.

At November 25, 2010 6:02 PM, Anonymous Momma said...

Just watched the movie, Last Holiday, starring Queen Latifah - for the second time in the past year. It's cheesy but it's exactly the same story. I love it. She says if she got a second chance, she would laugh more, love more and not be so afraid.

At November 26, 2010 4:50 PM, Blogger Tannis said...

A friend of mine had terminal Hodgkins lymphoma - she blew a wad going to Italy with her son for a month in spring (he's 8, she was a single mom). She died this week and I think Italy was a beautiful gift she gave to both of them.


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