Friday, January 08, 2010

Scaredy Cat

Hello. My name is Lindsay and I'm a first-time mom.

Today, I brought Briony in to her pediatrician just to make sure that everything was okay with her. I needed to know that her doctor was aware of what had happened last week and to ask some questions about the test results and how long it's been taking for Briony to get back to normal again - especially because we're leaving in less than a week.

I'm also concerned about her weight... We were already keeping an eye on things because she hadn't gained very much between August and November. And now we found out today that the progress we'd made between November and Christmas - almost a pound - has been lost now while she's been sick. GRRR. I know that she'll catch up again, it just hurts my mommy heart to think that she's not as strong and healthy as she could be. She's losing all the rolls on her thighs and her cute little tummy... It makes me sad. She's growing taller but she's only about four ounces heavier than she was five months ago.

Anyway. She's doing okay. The last of the test results came in over the last two days and they're all totally normal. Based on today's exam, the antibiotics have worked their magic - and I actually got to take her off them tonight. It's just going to take a few more days for her to bounce back into being Briony.

I miss her. I got to see another glimpse of her this evening. She was screeching and giggling and being funny just like *normal* tonight, and then we had a super-smooth bedtime. It felt like before Christmas again, and it made me happy (especially because Geoff's working tonight and her *normal* bedtime is around 7.20 pm - HELLO mommy time!).

The very worst part of today was seeing how much residual TERROR is present after last week's hospital experience. My baby girl is seriously traumatized and frightened of all things medical. As soon as someone got within three feet of her with a stethoscope, she lost it. LOST IT. And I'm not too proud to admit that she was not the only one crying about it.

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At January 08, 2010 11:23 PM, Blogger Jobina said...

With the weight thing Lindsay, try not to worry too much. Take it from a girl who was the same weight at 1 year as I was at 3 years. I just stretched but didn't put on a pound. My Mom said the doctor was always on her case, but I was eating and drinking and doing all the regular diaper stuff and acting normal. Turns out I was fairly normal, just lighter than most.
You're a great Mom!


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