Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quiz: Which Office Character Are You?

The Socializer: Happy hours, office parties and long lunches. You're totally a social butterfly and work is just one more outlet. Yeah, you get done what you need to get done, but you don't think twice about work when the favorite part of the day is hanging out with your coworkers, pulling some pranks, and taking long lunches. Be careful your work doesn't suffer and you don't make a bad impression. You want to leave with some good references eventually!

Well, I don't think I can *totally* disagree with this. But I'd like to think that I get a heck of a lot of work done in between my chatter. And yes, I'll admit that I talk my way through most of a typical work day. Right, Christine? Oh, I miss you. A thousand stupid little things happen in my life every day that just don't get shared anymore because no one else is polite enough to listen to me get all dramatic about each and every one of them... hehe.



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