Sunday, November 30, 2008


You know those life moments that just fill you right up from the top of your head to the tips of your toes with joy? That's what last night was for me. Few things make me as happy as a house full of friends, and the sound of laughter and conversation swirling around all the rooms of my home.

Yesterday, Geoff and I hosted our annual Pilgrim Potluck. It began many years ago when Emily and I made American Thanksgiving dinner as an experiment when we lived together (she has US citizenship). Over the years, it has grown and evolved into a big annual Pilgrim Potluck with friends. Last night, ten of us feasted on a HUGE turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, green bean casserole, sweet potato casserole, hot apple cider, and caramel pumpkin cake. The food was all incredible, and we ate a lot of it. Then we sat around the living room telling stories and catching up until everyone was ready to go home for a deep, turkey-induced sleep.

It was good to be back in the 'real world' again. I even managed to straighten my hair and put on a little bit of makeup. It made me happy to see that I can still hang out with my friends and do normal things with a baby in tow.

The best part (other than the people)? Leftover turkey wraps with cranberry mayonnaise for lunch today, and turkey noodle soup simmering on the stove. (Don't be too impressed by all this turkey talk. I can't take credit for the most domestic parts of the turkey preparation and soup-making, I owe it all to Marilyn.)

PS - I got sucked in by the Superstore commercials and tried out their butter-basted turkey for yesterday's feast. The outside got crunchy, but the inside stayed nice and juicy. Awesome. Go get one for Christmas.

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At November 30, 2008 7:24 PM, Blogger Amber said...

Good for you Lindsay, sounds like a lot of fun.

And I'm pretty sure I have a little crush on Galen Weston, haha.

At December 01, 2008 9:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

For future reference, I got sucked into the Superstore commercial for the PC wild salmon mini wellingtons. It was well worth being suckered into! They were fantastic, and all I had to do was turn on the oven!
It does feel great to have those normal moments after a baby. :) Good for you!

At December 01, 2008 7:32 PM, Blogger Tannis said...

I agree with Heather, it's wonderful to realize you're still part of the world at large after a couple of insane weeks (months?).


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