Thursday, April 03, 2008

Sorting Through Too Much Information

Here is today's random million-dollar baby question...

One of my books - admittedly, one of the more scary 'pregnant women shouldn't do ANYTHING' books - mentions that pregnant women should not drink green tea. Does anyone know if that's bullshit or not? I've cut back in the meantime, but there is NO WAY I'm stopping if I don't really, truly have to. I already gave up coffee, people!

(Never mind my waistline. But that's another post.)



At April 03, 2008 1:46 PM, Blogger Charlene said...

I have heard the green tea thing, and I'm not sure if it's true or not. but, my doctor told me that I could have one cup of coffee a day (as I too, am addicted) and I felt great, and Emma came out fine...I had decided to avoid as many books as necessary cause they are always so scary...I used instead, a lot less scary, and still very informative...

At April 03, 2008 2:32 PM, Blogger ka said...

I thought I told you only to read two - the Girlfriends and the What to Expect?? Too much information is NOT power. It's grounds for craziness...

I've been drinking green tea. But then again, I've also been eating sushi. So I'm likely not up for Mom of the Year just yet... (Oh, and I didn't COMPLETELY give up coffee either - just mostly :).

At April 03, 2008 2:53 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Neither did I. I may or may not be enjoying a soy latte from Starbucks as we speak...

I'm sure it's one of those 'everything in moderation' things, just like almost everything else in the world of pregnant people. But it's sometimes nice to know for sure.

And it was the scary 'What to Expect' book that scared me off of green tea. Good to know that you read it so closely... hehe :)

At April 03, 2008 3:57 PM, Blogger Black Out Photography said...

i hate those stupid books. they ruin everything. I think you should chuck them out your car window on your way to work one day. Yep, that would make a great youtube video. :)

At April 03, 2008 4:31 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

I like the books (and I only bought the two that Kari-Ann approved, because she's bossy like that). I like to gather as much information and as many different opinions as I can, and then make up my own mind about it. This is just one of those weird things that's been on my mind...

At April 03, 2008 6:47 PM, Blogger Domestic Bloggess said...

I too had a moment of panic when my friend who was pregnant was telling me all the things she couldn't eat (she was 4 months & I was 2 months and not "out"). I went straight to my doctor. What do you mean I can't have any caffeine, hot dogs (I like the odd bbq), tuna, mayo and whatever else they say you can't have?

He asked me this. "Do you eat tuna everyday for every meal?" No. "Do you eat a package of uncooked hot dogs every week?" No. "Do you eat mayo that's been sitting on the counter in the sun for hours by the spoonful?" No.

"Everything in moderation my dear" is EXACTLY what he said to me. The real thing docs are worried about is food poisoning which leads to dehydration which is not good for momma or baby.

I say talk to your doc though if it will help put your mind at ease.

At April 04, 2008 8:21 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

M-O-D-E-R-A-T-I-O-N (sung to the tune of M i c k e y M o u s e)

At April 04, 2008 8:58 AM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Crystal, you're missing a letter. That will irk me as it plays through my head ALL DAY. Thanks.


At April 04, 2008 10:33 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

Ha Ha - Got you! I was wondering how long it would take. I also had that annoying ditty going through my head in an unbalanced way as soon as I wrote it.

(I just add an E at the end of moderation - it makes it sound exotically italian).

At April 04, 2008 7:00 PM, Blogger gloria said...

also a good idea to cut out the booze and cigarettes...

At April 06, 2008 8:48 AM, Blogger Jobina said...

I love what Nikki had to say, "everything in moderation". Those books can get you so panicked about all the things that you might be doing wrong. Relax, enjoy your latte (hey, you're getting your calcium!) and just take care of yourself.
(BTW, the birth plan stuff is also crap. That baby comes out when and where it wants! Stay flexible with your plans and it'll all turn out fine!)

At April 07, 2008 11:31 AM, Blogger Charlene said...

I agree with the birth plan's hard to stick with your plan in the heat of the moment, because, like she said, that baby will come out when it wants, and where it wants. I did decide though that I would try to go as far as I could without the epidural, so I could experience the contractions...which, I am still happy I did...but, there was no way I was going to do it all natural given there are drugs to make you more comfortable. and, I progressed REALLY quickly once i had the epidural cause I was all relaxed and whatnot....just food for thought...


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