Monday, April 07, 2008

One Down

So I had my first official prenatal appointment this morning, and I lived to tell about it. It wasn't too bad, but I bitched to Geoff *all* the way back to work about how unequal this whole having-a-baby thing really is. I think that - after listening to me whine about it - we're probably at least even for today :)

Everything is progressing perfectly, which was awesome to hear! Nothing new to talk about until my next appointment near the end of May, when we'll hopefully be able to hear the heartbeat - and that will bring me really, really close to my 18-week ultrasound. I'm getting very excited for those appointments!

What is happening to me? I'm getting soft. I actually felt a little bit gooey when I saw a really cute baby on TV this weekend. Then again, I was doing a prenatal yoga DVD yesterday, and it had absolutely no calming effect on me because I was lying on the floor giggling every time they made lame comments about 'connecting with your baby' through meditation. So there's at least a little of the old Lindsay left.



At April 07, 2008 2:17 PM, Blogger esther said...

glad to hear the app. went well :)

At April 07, 2008 2:41 PM, Blogger Domestic Bloggess said...

Glad to hear all is well with the babe!

What is it with yoga DVDs and the corny factor? I too was giggling yesterday during my yoga practice when the guy said about Tree Pose, "It's okay if you sway. Trees sway ..." It's not one bit funny when I write it, but to hear it ... hilarious!

At April 07, 2008 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy to hear Baby Wright is progressing so nicely : ) By the time I ever see you, you'll probably look all pregnant and that's going to be a shocker!


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