Tuesday, August 14, 2007

You Know You Have a Problem When

...you're watching the news on Monday morning and hear that Karl Rove has resigned. And your first thought is that you'll be a little sleep deprived that night because you know it's going to be an awesome Daily Show :)

I was not disappointed. You know I love a Mary Poppins reference. But - as always - it was my Jon (and his writing staff - LOL) who delivered.

"Oprah has to give away cars to get this kind of response."

And bringing on a brain/memory expert to explain was classic.

"Which area of the brain controls memory? And is that close to the area of the brain that occurs lying?"

Happy sigh. I heart Jon Stewart.

Of course, my sleep deprivation was also due in part to my extended 'hey let's meet up for a bit after work' with Anja and Chuck. They spent 50% of our time together making fun of me, of course - though Chuck's bachelor dreams and Anja's TWO weddings this summer also made pretty good fodder. Always so much fun to spend time with old friends.

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At August 14, 2007 3:21 PM, Blogger gloria said...

Crap! I missed Jon AND Steven last night.


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