Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Dinner and a Show

Most of you who know me in real life know that I am a people watcher. I love to observe what's going on around me, and make up stories in my head (or out loud) about what's going on. I guess people's jobs, their relationship status, where they live. I guess what they are thinking about. I even make little bets with myself on which store they'll walk into or which car is theirs.

Last night, having dinner with Geoff, we experienced people watching at its finest. First, I noticed something very interesting going on two tables over from ours. It was a middle-aged couple, and the woman was clearly dabbing at her eyes with a napkin with a stony expression on her face. She abruptly jumped up and beelined toward the bathroom - and didn't return for at least ten minutes. When she emerged, her eyes were red and puffy, and she grabbed her jacket without a word to the man who appeared to be her husband. She left the restaurant without him, and he quickly shrugged on his jacket and scampered to catch up with her. I was fascinated. I actually came very close to making my own little trip to the bathroom, because you know how girls work. She'd be crying and trying to fix her runny mascara in the mirror, and it wouldn't take much for me to ask if she was okay and coax the short version out of her. I almost did, because I really wanted to know! And she looked so very sad.

Anyway. I came up with two options. Either he told her that he'd be taking a promotion and moving to Calgary, without her and the kids, and that they'd see how the separation worked out. Or they were separated already, and he asked her to dinner but she got her hopes up and thought they were getting back together... until he told her about his new girlfriend.

A few minutes later, a party of people came in and there was a very loud CRASH when one of the men sat down and his chair literally splintered beneath him. He ended up sitting in the floor, looking very surprised. Again, kind of hard to ignore.

In any case, a very entertaining evening. The performances almost managed to distract me from the fact that I feel absolutely miserable. I don't think I slept more than two hours last night, and not all at the same time - whenever I lie down, I break into these ridiculous coughing fits that make my ribs ache. And it's kind of tricky to sleep sitting up, though I eventually did. Here's hoping I cough myself into exhaustion tonight.



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