Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Tour the Farm

So. A few weekends ago, I mentioned to a friend that I was going home for the weekend. The response was typical: 'Oh, you're going home to the farm.'

I. Did. Not. Grow. Up. On. A. Farm. Have you even met me??? How would I have survived in a place with random barnyard animals and big tractors???!!!


I decided to take my camera home that weekend to give some of you city folk (and those of you who don't live around here) a little look at the place where I grew up. I realize it looks a little like the farm. But you'll note the space and open air. And the lack of red wooden structures or animals taller than my knees. Country? Yes. Farm? No. Farms nearby? Yes. Farmland across the gravel road, right outside the living room window? Yes. But those are really just details :)

So without further ado, here's my parents' yard:

Here's Molly, my sister's puppy:

And here's Peter, their extremely pregnant cat:

Yes, we know that our pregnant and obviously female cat is named Peter. Take it up with my sister.

Hope you enjoyed your little tour :)



At June 13, 2006 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was going to say 'that's a beautiful place' but that sounds something like 'great real estate' which sounds annoying.

so ill just say: HI. the puppy is cute.

At June 16, 2006 8:50 AM, Blogger ka said...

I'll vouch for Linds - she is NOT from a farm. Thank goodness.


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