Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Weekend Update

Hm. For some reason, this didn't post on Monday. Better late than never :)

Friday night was Celebrations with Kari-Ann. We went to see 'Butch, Sundance, and the Gang' - great performance, but more country music than I'll usually volunteer to listen to.

Saturday, I decided to spend a little time dress shopping. I'm still looking for something great to wear to Jessica's graduation at the end of June. No super-amazing success, but I bought a Plan B dress. Which makes my former Plan B now a Plan C dress. Sigh. Men have it so easy.

Spent the afternoon playing tennis with Rocky. I had so much fun... Then Greg and Kathy came for dinner and we walked with Bethany to get gelato and sit by the river near The Forks. It was awesome - so gorgeous outside, and exactly the relaxing, low-key evening I'd been craving.

Saturday night was hot as hell chez Lindsay. I eventually opted to sleep on the couch downstairs. Ugh.

Yesterday, I was singing in the morning and then had three BBQs (I know!): one for my worship team, one for Cat's birthday, and one for Emily's university grad. It was a great day, just BUSY.

And here we are on a beautiful Monday. For some reason, I'm exhausted. Too much exercise? Too much stress? Not enough sleep? With fibromyalgia, who knows... I'm just having one of those days where it was almost impossible to drag myself out of bed, and I've spent all the hours I've been out of it since then wishing that I was still in it.

Okay, and since when is Domo self-serve??? I had to fill up on my way to work this morning, and I just about threw a fit. What happened to jumping to the pump?! It's not like I'm incapable of filling my own car, I just don't like to - and I'll go out of my way to go somewhere I won't need to. Grrr.

Think happy thoughts, Lindsay...
1. It's totally beautiful outside. I walked to pick up lunch today, and there were so many people out and about, looking generally cheerful. It's amazing what a little sun can do.
2. I'm wearing my favourite skirt today. Women understand.
3. The worms are dying. These blasted little monsters have eaten all of the leaves off my trees and are just generally a menace, dropping onto your clothes when you walk past, stringing icky webs between shrubs and trees, and crawling all over the place. But they're almost dead now... Woo hoo!
4. The tan lines I acquired while playing tennis on Saturday are bad, but not as bad as I'd originally feared. I think they'll be fixable.

Forget it. Can't think of a #5. Too steamed about stupid Domo. Can I sue for false advertising? Hang on... I have a book on advertising law here on my desk somewhere... I'm going to find out.


PS - Some pics from Em's graduation celebration :)

Brent, Victoria, Hannah (being a monkey in the background), Jenni-Lynn

Chey & Rob, Rocky


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