Friday, October 08, 2010


Gratitude is one of the least articulate of the emotions, especially when it is deep.
- Felix Frankfurter

Today was full of so many good things - a wonderful warm-up to Thanksgiving this weekend.

For starters, it is deliciously warm and sunshiny today. I got to take Briony to dance class this morning (Geoff took over partway through, but I made it almost half an hour - GO ME!). I had a venti nonfat pumpkin spice latte, BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS. I had a super productive day at the office. I met an old friend for lunch and had so much fun catching up and getting tips on delicious NYC sushi. I got a lead on a fun little PR client with a fabulous product that would be an absolute joy to help promote. And just when you didn't think it could get any better, Geoff + Briony will be here momentarily to pick me up for a walk at The Forks in this ridiculously beautiful weather.

Might I remind you, IT SNOWED LAST THANKSGIVING. Remember? Well, you don't really have to because I totally took pictures. See?

And it's 25 degrees today. If you're from Winnipeg and weren't thinking that you had anything to feel grateful for this Thanksgiving, I just gave it to you. SERIOUSLY.

This Thanksgiving, I'm making a goal for myself to just stay focused on being kind to myself. I think that we've made some good decisions as a family to keep this holiday weekend well-paced and manageable, but the reality is that my pain level is still sky-high and today's my first day in a week where I'm attempting to go without a nap (honestly, I'm starting to think that was one of my more terrible ideas). As cliche as it sounds - and as much as I hate cliches - this is a marathon, not a sprint. And it's making a significant difference in my everyday life to be embracing the marathon concept.

Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you a weekend full of family who feel like friends, friends who feel like family, and LOTS of pumpkin pie.

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