Sunday, November 08, 2009

No Surprise

Yeah, BIG SHOCK but I'm pretty flared up today.

I get lots of questions about what that means, and it's tricky to answer because it's always different. Today, it's a combination of pain, fatigue, and other symptoms. The painkillers aren't really even taking the edge off. I'm tired to a degree that I don't expect most other people to understand. Even that really heavy awful pregnancy fatigue doesn't even really compare. And I'm actually finding that I'm sensitive to light and sound today - I cried in the baby room at church this morning because I wanted so badly to be out in the congregation while my worship team* was singing, but I just couldn't do it. I could feel myself crumbling. It's hard to describe. I just get so overwhelmed by everything - the pain, the fatigue, the noise, the light - that all I want to do is curl up in a corner with a blanket over my head. And if you know me at all, you know that's WEIRD.

Thank god for parents who think that helping me take care of my baby girl all day while Geoff is at work is a GREAT idea :)

I'll write more about the last part of my week + the weekend later. I have many, many thoughts about what it's like to have four kids to keep track of at once (however temporarily) and helping Chloe celebrate her very first birthday - among other things.

But for today, I rest. A very simple dinner is in the oven. Geoff will be home from work in just over an hour. Briony's playing happily (with the television on... SHHHH!). And I'm about to make our couch my permanent home for the second evening in a row.

Hoping for a better day tomorrow.

*I quit right before my due date with Briony, after a decade of singing with essentially the same group of people, and it's still totally 'my worship team.' I don't even know half of the songs they sing anymore. Funny.

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At November 08, 2009 7:48 PM, Anonymous Alison said...

It is totally still your worship team! There is still an empty void on the part of the stage where all the super cool people are:)


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