Saturday, August 08, 2009

Blame Amber

If anything in my life is not getting done right now (making dinner, doing laundry, packing for the lake, diving into my shiny new stack of books... I'm just getting warmed up, people), it's Amber's fault. She introduced me to this week, and I can't figure out why I haven't been reading this amazing blog for a long, long time. I vaguely remember hearing about it, and then dismissing it because the idea of reading a personal blog about family life and kids was incredibly uninteresting to me (gasp! hypocrite!). Anyway. It's not incredibly uninteresting. It's incredibly hilarious, and the new highlight of my day.

Now I'm all sad about my own blog. I *wish* I had the time and energy to make my blog writing as interesting as Heather manages to do... Granted, it's her full-time job to write one post a day. But STILL.

Someday, I'll have time to do more than just flop down in front of my laptop, type frantically for a minute or two, and then click 'publish post.' Like maybe when Briony is 20 :)

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At August 08, 2009 10:43 PM, Blogger Domestic Bloggess said...

Oh dear. Do I ever feel the same about Dooce. I've been reading her for about 2 years now - don't know why I don't have her on my link list ...

Anyhow, it is a rare post that I think - this might be a tenth of the hilarity and just plain awesomeness of a Heather B. Armstrong post.

At August 10, 2009 2:52 PM, Blogger Amber said...

I've been feeling really guilty the past few days, and I had NO idea why...

I totally missed this post (and the blaming) last week! haha


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