Wednesday, July 29, 2009

So Much To Say

So I'm not really sure why I haven't been able to sit down and blog about it. I think it's just a matter of not knowing where to start. That and too much reading STFU blogs that have me worried that I'm just boring people to death with the mundane details of my daily life. But if you didn't want to know, you don't have to be here reading it, do you? :)

So here's what's up, as efficiently as I can describe it all:

Great playdate with Nicole and Palmer and Baby LaCar yesterday. We'd planned on a field trip to the splash park, but the weather was icky. IT turned out okay, though - as far as I'm concerned, ALL playdates should involve Starbucks and shopping. And fun friends, of course. I love it when people you like online end up being people you *really* like in person.

Great Girls Night yesterday with my mom, my sister Jessica, and my niece Chloe - and Briony and I, of course. We had Nikos delivered for dinner, went for a walk, and watched the FINAL finale of the Bachelorette. For the record (and I know there are haters out there, but you can blog whatever you want to) - I am *so* happy that she picked Ed. I love Ed. He was just the right amount of cute with just the right about of dorky. And they're nauseatingly happy so far.

My summer course wraps up this week. I'm trying to finish two homework assignments + my final paper by Friday. Eek! In the meantime, I've registered for another class that starts on September 21 (my second last one - woohoo!).

I had a bunch of encouraging news about my freelance work this week. No actual work this week so far, which is okay because of all the school stuff I'm working on right now - but it sounds like there's some stuff on the horizon. I am *so* encouraged, because I haven't really LOOKED for work yet. I'm still scared because it's so very unpredictable. But I'm optimistic.

Briony's darn fourth tooth is being super tricky. It's out again today, but her gums are still bothering her. She was playing this morning while I went to make her bottle and by the time I got back, she had MAULED her favourite book. We'll work on respect of books later (and research what the ink dyes can do to a tiny digestive system... sigh). For now, I'm happy that it seemed to make her feel better,

FINALLY going for a haircut today. I never used to have to book this far in advance, but I keep on referring people to my hairdresser and he's getting busier all the time. I booked this appointment in June with every intention of cutting all my hair off. Now I'm a little nervous about the idea... So I have no idea what I'll do when I get there. I was going to wait to cut my hair until I got to my post-baby goal weight, but it probably makes more sense to do it now so that I can feel nicer in the meantime. And long hair always makes me feel frumpy. We'll see.

Working to figure out my eight month old, whose nap schedule is ALL over the map lately. She's about 50/50 between needing a morning nap around 9.00 or 9.30 and staying awake until lunchtime. It's hard to guess whether each day is a nap day or not. Part of the adventure of being a mommy, I suppose.

Getting ready for the shower we're hosting for Emily & Paul tomorrow night. Sounds like it's going to be a baby party as well, between Briony and a few other young babies this group of friends has recently produced. Far from a traditional wedding shower, but that's a good thing in my books.

Still dealing with gallbladder ickiness. It's a relief to know for sure what it is, but annoying to realize that I need to live like this for a little while. Still only two 'attacks' so far, but in between, I swear it feels EXACTLY like being about two months pregnant. Ew.

Almost recovered from Aaron & Cait's wedding... My god, that whole debacle really took something out of me. I still feel like I'm working with a ridiculous sleep deficit. And those poor kids are currently in Jamaica. Yep, life is TOTALLY fair :)

And we booked our next BC trip! We will be on the west coast from September 1 to 15, and it's sure to be a busy one, with Aaron & Cait moving out there just a couple of days before (and my parents there to help them), Hannah (Geoff's niece) leaving for New Zealand on September 3, and lots of friends and family to catch up with. I can't wait.

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At July 29, 2009 1:46 PM, Blogger Allison Friesen said...

I totally agree with you on Ed and Jillian! It was a good finale.

At July 29, 2009 3:36 PM, Anonymous Marilyn said...

It's a good idea that you have had to adjust your schedule to an unpredictable baby...sort of like practising for Freelance work:)
Feeling sick is not nice though):

At July 29, 2009 9:15 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Alison - I know! I was so happy :)

Marilyn - Yep. And just to prove her point, my baby girl (who has been too big for morning naps for the last week) slept from 9.00 until 12.30 this morning. It was *so* funny... I got very little done because I just kept checking on her, expecting her to be awake in her crib. What a waste of an awesome nap!


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