Saturday, August 01, 2009

Tickle Monster

I didn't want to be one of those parents who totally cry wolf or pretend that the first recognizable 'word' that passes through their child's lips was truly meant as it was said. We've been hearing baby babble for months now - most notably, her tendency to yell 'mamamama' when she's mad and wants to get my attention. And she'll sometimes repeat sounds that she hears.

But yesterday, we heard her say a word - all on her own - that she's said a few times now, and always accompanied by an action to let us know that she knows what she's saying. And so we're making it official. My baby girl's first word is apparently TICKLE. She's said it a bunch of times over the last couple of weeks, usually while attempting to tickle someone. Yesterday, she did it while tickling her own foot. It's pretty much the funniest thing ever (at least to a mom who stays home with a baby girl all day, hehe).

What were your babies' first words?



At August 01, 2009 9:35 AM, Blogger Domestic Bloggess said...

I love it! What a great official first word - though I did love her calling mamamamama when she wanted you to hold her at the play place the other day :)

At August 01, 2009 10:11 AM, Blogger Lindsay said...

The 'mamama' thing is funny... She totally plays that card when she wants me to come get her and has figured out that making that sound is the most effective way to get my attention. It took the place of her fake cough (think Zoolander), that was her attention-getting device of choice when she was smaller. Turkey.

At August 01, 2009 12:02 PM, Anonymous Marilyn said...

Somewhat complicated word but cute:)

At August 01, 2009 1:53 PM, Blogger Amber said...

Ahhh! That's SO cute, I think the next girls' night needs to be at Chez Lindsay, so we can all visit with said tickle monster a bit, too :)

To answer your question - I have no babies yet, but my first word was 'cookie'. Still one of the most frequent words to leave my mouth to this day ;)

At August 01, 2009 11:10 PM, Blogger ka said...

Scarlett did the dadadada thing. To this day, she's capable of a good ol' mama but it ONLY comes out with much pleading from me. And she usually laughs when she's done. Not sure what that's about, but pretty sure it means I'm being "played" by a 14 month old.

Is it bad I can't actually remember her first word without looking it up? I'm thinking it was "ah-sat" which was "what's that" which is STILL one of the most heard things out of her mouth. The new one this week is "Oh wow" which is beyond hilarious. She said it to EVERYTHING from what I pick out for her to wear, through to what's for dinner.

Oh, and Scarlett will have to hang with Baby B to learn "tickle" because right now when she comes at you to tickle you, she goes "owowowowow" which is all my fault. When she was first into tickling, I would say this, pretending it hurt and she'd laugh hysterically. It really shouldn't amaze me anymore how easy it is to mess with one year olds... They are SPONGES!

At August 03, 2009 1:47 PM, Blogger Elleah said...

That's so exciting! Kiera said "Dada" and "Mama" quite often during her first year, but besides those, her first was "Hi."


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