Monday, July 27, 2009

Friday Smile (Very Belated)

Can't believe I forgot to post this one!

So apparently, these two are getting married.

Obviously, I had no choice but to go straight onto Facebook and search for my own (maiden) name. Apparently, there are 10 Lindsay Hildebrandts on Facebook. Geoff and I immediately searched for 'Lindsay Wright' - and discovered that there are MORE THAN 500 OF US on Facebook. Sigh. So much for being special (hehe).

The weirdest part came when we searched for 'Briony Wright' and found 13. THIRTEEN. More than my former name (and that doesn't even count our daughter, who is obviously without a Facebook page). Huh. So apparently, it's time for people to stop raising their eyebrows when they hear our little princess' name... No one seemed to think 'Lindsay Hildebrandt' was special.

The name, of course. The person was/is FABULOUS :)

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At July 27, 2009 11:29 PM, Anonymous Momma said...

These people look very related. Did they check that out??
Where are all of the Briony Wrights located?

At July 28, 2009 9:45 PM, Blogger ka said...

However. I bet if you searched Lindsay Hildebrandt/Lindsay Wright in the Mennonite phone book, the results would be dramatically different. Ha ha.

See - I think this is the biggest reason why I'm still legally Kari-Ann Pawich everywhere - except at the bank where I had to change it or not get all those cheques my wonderful friends and family wrote to us with what is *supposed* to already be my name. If you search "Pawich" on facebook I'm related to every last one of them (or, I think so anyway - haven't actually done it). But if you search Friesen...

I guess I should just be thankful my name is Kari-Ann and not Mary... ;)

At July 29, 2009 9:52 AM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Mom - Mostly in the UK and Australia. But one in Minnesota, which is kind of interesting.

Kari-Ann - Trying not to laugh at your expense... But it's *so* true.


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