Saturday, July 25, 2009

I'm Out There, Jerry...

There's something incredibly intimidating about putting yourself 'out there'... I remember feeling like this on my first day of school as the New Kid. Then I used to feel this way about a first date. Now all those old feelings are coming back to me as I begin to tell the world that I'm accepting freelance clients.

It's hilarious to me, because I'm really good at what I do. I hope that doesn't sound ridiculously arrogant, but I know I am. I've proven that I am (and I've worked my @$$ off to get here).

But what if no one wants to eat lunch with me? :)



At July 25, 2009 4:51 PM, Blogger Domestic Bloggess said...

Once I can get the cajones to put myself out there with my new project post new babe - I may just need to call you up and have lunch.

At July 26, 2009 1:52 PM, Blogger ka said...

No, not arrogant by any means. But it is scary. There can be a fine balance between smart and stupid. I sometimes thought it was nice to have a few idiots hanging around to remind us that we're needed, but if you don't have the smart ones, too, you have no one to help us collaborate and learn. When you put youself "out there" you have to show - over and over again - where you fit on the spectrum and how you can help.

It's totally like dating. And we all know how fun that is. It usually takes a few kicks at the can to sort of figure it out, and even then first impressions aren't always what they seem. But you know how that goes... ;)

Good luck dahling! Let me know if I can help!


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