Sunday, June 21, 2009

Seven Months Old

So I'm a little behind on these little monthly updates. Better late than never, I've decided :)

Briony is such an incredible joy in our lives (in case you couldn't tell that from my regular blog posts, hehe). She is remarkably easy-going and very free with her smiles and giggles and babbling. I think she's amazing. We'll keep her.

Six Months Old - New Things This Month:
- Sitting on her own, but still a little tipsy
- Still rolling up a storm...
- Lots of shrieking just to make noise (sounds like a wounded seal)
- Making extra-obnoxious noise by putting her hand in and out of her mouth (thanks for teaching her that one, Geoff...)
- Starting to 'help' us when we're picking her up, strapping her into her carseat, and getting her dressed
- SO MUCH talking and babbling and giggling...
- No teeth yet, but lots and lots of chewing and biting
- Getting very excited about books - this is *not* a bedtime activity in our house
- Generally very friendly and willing to give out smiles and giggles to new people (unless she's very tired or just waking up)
- Briony's second trip to BC
- My first official Mother's Day
- Our first little family vacation - trip to Victoria with Rob & Vicky & Ava

Seven Months Old - New Things This Month:
- Sitting independently (at least until a cool toy catches her attention and she takes off in a dive-and-roll move)
- Killer dance moves, swaying her head back and forth when she's extra-happy
- Starting to eat big girl food (just rice cereal so far) - it's hilarious how she looks *so* proud of herself
- Realizing that she can control her tiny little fingers, and doing lots of funny 'plan hands' and wiggling them around while examining them very closely
- Holding onto the side bars of her swing to stop herself from moving
- Favourite words are AH-BOOM and HEY!
- Starting to do a lot of MAMAMA and DADADA babbling
- Giving up her fake attention-getting cough, and replacing it with yelling MAMAMA to get my attention
- Random laughter (sometimes seems suspiciously like she's courtesy laughing at things people do and say)
- Hitting things, especially the tray of her high chair (for maximum noise-making, of course)
- Still loving her jolly jumper and exersaucer
- Scared of CTV weather promos and station identification spots... the thunder makes her wail like the drama queen she is (can't wait for the first storm of the summer)
- Discovering that she can eat her feet... ew
- Still a major talker and a gigglepuss :)
- Briony's first bridal shower (for Auntie Cait)
- Briony's first wedding (Kris and Kari-Ann)

Favourite Moments:

- Watching her explore and take in more and more of the world around her
- Seeing how her personality is coming out and how she interacts with people
- Feeding her solids and seeing how very proud she is of herself

Looking Forward To:
All the drama and faces that are coming as we begin to introduce her to new foods.

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At June 21, 2009 10:19 PM, Blogger Kristen Loewen said...

HA! I LOVE that picture of her! Too cute! It looks like it totally captures her personality.

At June 21, 2009 11:13 PM, Blogger Elleah said...

Ah, the new foods stage. That was an interesting one for us. Sounds like you're having lots of fun with her. :)

At June 22, 2009 8:06 AM, Blogger Margaret said...

What a joy! I am so glad you have her in your life. Children bring such a different dynamic to our lives. ENJOY!

At June 22, 2009 4:19 PM, Anonymous Marilyn said...

Amen to Margaret...and Kristen's comments...


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