Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Robots In Space

Geoff and I went to go see Wall-E last night...
You must go. Now. Trust me.



At July 02, 2008 10:15 AM, Blogger Mark said...

Thanks for the quick review! I've heard this movie is amazing, but that it is much different (and more daring) then past Pixar films. Can you comment on that?

At July 02, 2008 1:32 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

I would definitely agree with that, though I can't pretend to be an expert on Pixar films - I have seen quite a few.

Wall-E was less of a movie and more of a film, if that makes sense. And they took care to ensure that it worked well on two levels: both children and adults could take something very real away with them.

The first half of the movie in particular really blew me away - it tackled the whole Chaplin-era silent film and really honoured that film style, while still injecting enough child-like humour that the three-year-old in the next row giggled contagiously all the way through (in all fairness, Chaplin was a master of that style of humour as well, but it was considered much more adult then). The entire story carried through with minimal dialogue, and I loved that - and you're talking to a writer here! It really forced them to focus on the craft of their storytelling, without some of the conventional crutches of spoken conversation. And the storytelling / narrative structure was beautiful.

Of course, any movie that's so obviously anti-Bush and anti-Walmart is okay with me :)

I haven't talked to anyone yet who didn't like it - and they all *really* like it. And 96% on RottenTomatoes.com is not pretty darn impressive.


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