Tuesday, April 22, 2008

To Doula or Not to Doula

To all my lovely blog readers who also happen to be mommies... Another question I'm mulling over right now - and you know I love hearing all your thoughts and ideas and opinions :)

Did any of you hire a doula during your pregnancy or labour & delivery? What was your experience - would you recommend it or make the same decision again?



At April 22, 2008 8:23 PM, Blogger esther said...

hey lindsay, i didn't but have heard great things...definitely something i would consider, if i were a prego :)

At April 22, 2008 10:02 PM, Blogger Charlene said...

I didn't hire a doula...and, honestly, I didn't feel like I was missing anything. My husband really stepped up and did everything I had read a doula did, as far as the support and relaxation exercises, etc...but, I have heard wonderful things from everyone who has used them...

At April 23, 2008 8:19 AM, Blogger ka said...

No doula for the KA. Then again, I didn't do pre-natal classes either.

Actually don't know anyone who's used one. I've also been told, though, that the nurses out here are amazing... Good enough for me...

At April 23, 2008 9:03 AM, Blogger Mark said...

God was our doula.

Sorry, that just sounded so dramatic in my head I had to say it. OK, in seriousness a doula might be great but wasn't really a possibility for us. With our first pregnancy we were away at camp for the entire end of it and with our second the baby was (OK, what's the word for it) . . . well facing the wrong way and since we didn't go for a C section we had to be in constant consultation with the hospital so a doula didn't seem practical. I have heard some people swear by them though for whatever that's worth. I figure most people just universalize their experience - if they had a doula then everyone should (and if they didn't they think its a waste of time). Anyway, God's wisdom to you as you decide!

P.S. Thanks for the book ideas!

At April 23, 2008 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had midwives both times, and I loved it, so I would think a doula would be a great options. Someone there for support for both you and Geoff.

At April 23, 2008 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That anonymous comment was me. Got a little trigger happy and hit enter before I was ready : )

At April 23, 2008 12:24 PM, Blogger Jolene said...

Lindsay...no doula for me. Miguel said he didn't want to pay someone to do HIS job. However, Miguel's mom was sort of my doula until I went to the hospital. She helped me with timing contractions and such. I ended up having my best friend as my delivery nurse so I felt I was in good hands. I really wanted a midwife but I was denied a midwife because apparently I make too much money and have too much of a stable life to be priority on the list. I would have liked a midwife but I don't think I would have hired a doula. I think it is important that whatever decision you make you don't undermind your husband's role in this all. Bringing your little one into the world should bring you and your husband closer together...you don't want someone who will take his job away.

At April 23, 2008 6:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did a doula (but she was free - so that made the decision easier). I didn't NEED her, but it was nice. Marc is awesome. I think it helped him to have someone else there b/c he's wasn't the ONLY one then.

As for the labour nurses, ours was AMAZING! She worked super well with our doula and Marc.

Since Geoff is a nurse, I don't think he'll need the extra support. If you're on the fence, be a mennonite and go cheap! LOL!

Hugs - happy decision making.



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