Tuesday, July 10, 2007

On a Mission

It's been a rough week. Not really sure why. My health can sometimes be controlled... The rest of the time, I'm at the mercy of my body to some extent. Of course, I can buckle down and really take care of myself - show it who's boss - and start to really feel better. But that means sacrificing some wonderful, normal things. And that makes me feel sick. And so I play the waiting game. I wait and see if it will just kind of blow over given a few days and a little bit of TLC. No sense engaging in full-scale warfare when we really just needed to sit down and talk it out.

My mission this week is to increase my sleep. That means sacrificing some time I'd rather be spending with The Boy - skipping out on breakfast on Monday morning and going home early tonight. It also means that I'm not seeing Harry Potter when it comes out tonight. I've worked to cut my caffeine consumption in half this week (and I'm dealing with that headache... ugh). I'm making sure to walk and get some gentle exercise. I'm trying very, very hard not to beat myself up over the fact that I'm screwing up my 10K training schedule. And I actually (gently) put my foot down at work this afternoon when I was thrown an impossible deadline.

My pain level has remained constant, but my memory and concentration was a little better today. My muscles are achy but they aren't feeling quite as weak, and they didn't spasm when I woke up this morning - a huge relief. Other than that... Time will tell.

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At July 10, 2007 11:09 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Praying that you can get back to "normal" soon. It sucks when your body won't let you do all the things you need to. Hopefully it will all turn around soon : ) Have a happy week.

At July 11, 2007 8:46 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, Lindsay.

I won't tell you that I went to the midnight screening of HP last night and am NOT regretting a moment of it!

At July 11, 2007 10:24 AM, Blogger gloria said...

Lindsay, I hope too that you will feel MUCH better REAL soon!

At July 11, 2007 2:33 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Thanks, ladies... It's tough not to get discouraged - but knowing that I have a huge group of people cheering me on definitely helps!

Crystal, I am SO jealous!


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