Tuesday, March 06, 2007

An Ode to Carla

This oldie's for Erin, Carla, and whoever else happens to read this blog who knew me 'back in the day.'

See, Carla and I had a *very* special friendship in high school. We wrote each other hate letters (written in love, I swear).

Little Carla went on to become a writer and editor. Little Lindsay went on to become a writer herself. I'd like to think we helped each other hone our creative writing skills a little. I have to believe that, otherwise these notes were just CRUEL.

I was cleaning up some stuff over the weekend and stumbled into this little goodie, written back in December 1996. According to the notation, I penned this one in my accounting class - which may explain how little Lindsay also grew up to be not so hot at math :)

Without further ado...
May I present for your reading enjoyment...

An Ode to Carla

Carla Carla
Thinks she's sweet
And kind and pretty
And fair and neat

Carla Carla's
The colour of a beet
She's mean and nasty
With smelly feet

Carla Carla
Thinks everyone likes her
No one does
Except rabid wiener dogs who want to bite her

Carla Carla
Let's hide inside
She thinks we like her
Now she died

Carla Carla
Will deny this poen
She'll pretend to laugh
But cry when she gets home

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At March 07, 2007 1:11 PM, Blogger Erin said...

I think I actually remember the writing of that one...too funny. I still have a whole binder full of notes from that era. Very telling stuff!!

At March 07, 2007 1:33 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

I would be slow to mock, because I found some pretty funny stuff from you too... Including a note filled with absolute despair (complete with a diagram of your broken heart) when you thought that *someone* hadn't been selected to accompany us on the Peer Counsellor training retreat ;)

At March 07, 2007 4:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's really mean. And funny. But really really mean. Now I have to ask - did Carla ever receive this poem? Or did you realize how mean it was and decide not to give it to her? Kind of defeats the purpose all these years later to publish it on the Web!! Nasty!

At March 07, 2007 5:55 PM, Blogger ka said...

Um, I never knew you back in the day and I'm not the least bit surprised. In fact, I would be surprised if you hadn't acted like this in high school.


At March 08, 2007 12:09 AM, Blogger Lindsay said...

Oh, this was a draft. So the original may or may not have been nastier.

And for the record, I tell everyone that I learned all I know from my mom :)

At March 08, 2007 4:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

After all I've done for you!

At March 11, 2007 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay for ode to carla! i feel so honoured to have a post dedicated to ME.
i remember that lovely little note. i really do. we were really quite nasty back then, weren't we? but it was still fun. :)
now i'm tempted to find my own notes....


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