Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Shortest Week in History

How the heck is it Friday already???

Something about coming back from vacation... It's never this smooth, relaxed, gradual transition back into reality. Somehow, reality always feels the need to just run up and smash you over the head. Okay, already - I get it. Now please just give me this weekend to slow down and remember what it felt like to not have ten thousand things to accomplish every day.

I'm serious, but at the same time, it was good to be back at work. I love my 'regular' schedule. And I missed my friends. But I'm still looking forward to heading out to the lake as soon as I'm done work tomorrow afternoon! I'm secretly hoping I can conserve enough energy to challenge my dad to a game of tennis when I get there. I suppose we'll see what they daylight situation is by the time I actually finish work and get myself down there. I'm planning to test my theory that bright pink tennis balls - and a hideously expensive racquet - will improve my game... That, and more prayer than usual. (To cosmically cancel out all the cursing I'll be doing as I realize he's winning. Again. As always.)

One thing I did accomplish this week: Montreal pics are developed and in a photo album. Plus the pics I took at Anica's birthday party. In April. Better late than never? I'll have to drop them off for her soon. Not like punctuality matters at this point. I figure, as long as I get them over there before she turns seven :)



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