Thursday, July 27, 2006

Dresses, Work, Boy. And TWO Paragraphs About Taco Salad.

Dress? Check. The Hildebrandt women are apparently freakishly efficient. Jessica's dress is gorgeous and it's ordered, and we even found something we like for bridesmaids. (Watch out... I'm going to be the superfoxiest bridesmaid in the history of bridesmaids!)

And now, back to work. Things are hopping here at Cocoon - the kind of frenetic, fast-paced deadlines that make me love advertising. The kind of deadlines that usually cause me to stop eating, stop sleeping, and stay in front of a computer into the wee hours of the morning. And I might be doing just that if I wasn't currently so distracted by A Boy (who lives in constant fear that I'm going to chronicle every moment of our togetherness on my blog :)

So in an effort to keep eating despite my crazy, crazy life, I stopped at Safeway to pick up a salad for lunch the other day. I grabbed one I'd tried before (spinach with apples, cranberries, and pecans... yum) but was distracted by another offering in the display: taco salad. Curious, I flipped it over and read that it contained - this is NOT a typo - 61 grams of fat. Ugh. Can you imagine??? Some poor soul will probably buy it and think they're being 'healthy.' And then they'll turn into a ball of lard after four bites. They'd be better off at McD's, man.

I'm ashamed to admit this, but it did make me hungry for taco salad. So I bought everything I need to make my 'special' taco salad - another one of those recipes I've tweaked and modified to the point where I feel my final product is pretty darn spectacular. I'm going to bring it to our YA leadership team BBQ tonight.

Wow. I'm busy, but how ridiculously inane is my life when I can write two whole paragraphs about taco salad? Uh oh. This doesn't count as a third paragraph now, does it? It's really more about my inane life than about the salad.



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