Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Blood, Guts and Glory

What's been going on in Lindsay's world this week, you ask? (Oh, come on... You can pretend to be indifferent, but I know you're all DYING to know.)

I made my hand modeling debut yesterday afternoon. We were doing a photo shoot for a campaign we're working on for The Arthritis Society. The shot involved a combination of Lindsay and a LARGE chopping knife - and Chuck was art directing. 'Nervous' doesn't really begin to cover how I felt about the situation. It had Workers Comp written all over it. But I made it through unscathed. Maybe I missed my calling... Anyway. I'll post it when it's finished so you can admire.

Went to a really interesting church meeting last night. I've been asked to take part in a planning committee (hating the connotation of that phrase...) to change the way we do church. I love the idea of focusing less on church and more on reaching out and making a difference in our community and in the world. I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that's what we were supposed to be doing in the first place. Less preaching, more just helping and loving people. I have a couple of weeks to make my decision, but I'm pretty passionate about this whole idea. I just need to make sure I have the time/energy to commit.

I've been thinking about that lots since last night... I'm not embarrassed at all about being a Christian. But I still hesitate to tell people that I am. Why? Because I don't like to be associated with other Christians, or with churches.

As a group, we have a pretty lousy reputation. If I may stereotype for a moment, I think it looks like we talk a good talk. But when it comes to turning our faith into action... We kind of suck at caring about people outside of the church. What's more disturbing is that we actually kind of suck at caring about people INSIDE of the church. Who do we think we are? Why do we act like we're so special? It's not like we've earned Christ's love or done more to deserve it than any other person on this planet. It all comes down to that little thing called grace.

Which - not so coincidentally - is the inspiration for the tattoo I've been talking about getting forever. And it's actually happening on my birthday next week in Montreal. I am so excited... (Other than the TINY little part of me that reminds me, 'Lindsay, you are scared of needles, remember?')

More musings about the big 2-5 - and our trip! - to follow.



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