Sunday, October 03, 2010

We Made It


The big appointment with my new specialist happens tomorrow morning at 9 am. I'm feeling excited / nervous / terrified / cautiously optimistic, but mostly just grateful for all the friends who helped us make it through this summer.

I'm talking about the people who weeded our flower beds and planted beautiful new flowers where weeds used to be.

I'm talking about the people who came to our house under the guise of having coffee with me but got down on the floor in their fancy work clothes and played with my daughter.

I'm talking about the people who left freshly baked muffins from my favourite recipe on our front step.

I'm talking about the people who never forgot what we were dealing with here and always remembered to ask how I was doing - and then took the time to listen to the answer.

I'm talking about the people who are still on speaking terms with me even though I've been cancelling plans with them all summer long - or lacked the energy to attempt that plan-making in the first place.

I'm talking about all the people who pretended it was just as fun to come and drink a cup of tea on our couch as it would have been to go out and do something fabulous and exciting.

I'm talking about the people who came to watch Briony and left us with a sparkling clean kitchen or a freshly bathed daughter or some other random and unexpected blessing.

I'm talking about the people who reminded me constantly that they were here for us, no matter what, and willing to help with anything we needed (and MEANT IT).

You know who you are, and you know what you mean to Geoff, Briony, and I. We made it TOGETHER. YOU ARE AWESOME.

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