Monday, January 11, 2010

Reasons Why This Weekend Was Awesome

Reason #1: Quiet Friday Night!
Okay, so the weekend started off with Geoff working a night shift - which was somewhat less than great - but I crashed on the couch with some trashy television and a bowl of popcorn, so it really wasn't bad at all. Especially because Briony was in a great mood and went to bed without a single squawk at 7.20 pm. It's *so* nice to have her back!

Reason #2: Mommy Empowerment!
On Saturday morning, I hosted a Family First Aid workshop with a bunch of other moms. Our instructor was an emergency nurse and first aid trainer who happens to be the mom of a seven month old. The information was AWESOME. I seriously think it was the best use of a Saturday morning that I've ever had. I just feel so much calmer and more confident about being a mom. If any of my blog readers spend time with kids and aren't sure they'd know what to do in a choking situation, how to do CPR on a baby or older child, when to go for stitches or a tetanus shot, what household items are most poisonous and what to do if someone gets a hold of them, when to worry about a fever (hands up here!), or *so* many other first aid questions - I hope you'll consider doing something like this. With a minimum of five people signed up, this instructor came to my house with all of her teaching gear and handouts and the cost was only $20 per person. I hope that we'll never need to use any of the things we learned, but it was $20 very well spent.

Reason #3: Date Night!
Saturday was a Katie Day which also meant that I got to run a few errands baby-free in the afternoon and then Geoff and I grabbed an early dinner and saw the new George Clooney movie. Have I mentioned how much I *love* a Date Night that includes George Clooney? LOVE. And 'Up in the Air' was a really good movie. We're still talking about it. My only *slight* disappointment was how different it is from the book. I know why they changed a lot of what they did, and I love what they kept - it's just not a pure book-to-movie experience. But I'd highly recommend reading the book and/or seeing the movie. They're both excellent.

Reason #4: Family Day!
Geoff + I decided that Sunday would be Family Day, and we spent the entire day hanging out together with Briony. We had a quiet morning and then went out for lunch and ran some errands while going for a walk. It was really, really nice. What made it even sweeter was that I picked up the last copy of the Glee DVD set at Best Buy. I am not ashamed. That show is awesome.

The plan is to continue Family Day later today and meet up with some of Geoff's coworkers and their kids at the Forks later for skating. That plan will only happen if I can get some client work done... And so I best go and be productive :)



At January 11, 2010 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to have her out to my place to do a session. How can I get a hold of her?

At January 13, 2010 1:47 PM, Blogger Domestic Bloggess said...

I love that when you sent out the email for the First Aid/CPR thing that I thought there was no way I'd miss it feeling certain that baby wasn't going to arrive by then and then well, life proved me wrong. Glad to hear that it went well!


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