Friday, October 03, 2008

Sigh of Relief

So two things happened today that made me feel lots more relaxed about this whole baby-on-the-way thing. The first is that Geoff picked up the crib and we assembled it this afternoon. Which means that the baby room is quasi-finished. Still a bunch of unpacking and organizing to do - and a few things to pick up - but if I went into labour tonight, we'd be able to muddle through. I don't know why this makes me feel so much better (given the fact that I have weeks and weeks to go still), but it does.

Quit whining. I'll post pictures later.

The second is that we met my obstetrician this afternoon. I loved her. She was friendly and personable, but very professional and efficient. She uttered a few key sentences that were music to my ears (things that control freaks appreciate, like 'on delivery day, we'll make decisions together'). And she took the time to answer all of my questions, even stopping to ask if there was anything else I'd wanted to talk about. There was something very no-nonsense about her that I really appreciated. Now, there are five other doctors in her practice - so I have a one in six chance of actually having *her* deliver this baby. But I'm feeling lots more relaxed about everything.

An extra-big thanks to Danae and Cara for the obstetrician recommendation :)

The news today is that Briony's growing perfectly and my uterus is measuring exactly for 35.5 weeks, but she's a smaller baby (at least for now). She's starting to move around and get ready to be born, but she hasn't dropped yet and we're likely to get to enjoy these final weeks of pregnancy without any big surprises. Which is awesome, because I would *really* like to capitalize on this whole mat leave thing (read: take lots of afternoon naps).

And that's that! I took this afternoon off to go to my doctor's appointment and get a few things done at home. Now, I'm seriously contemplating a nap before my baby shower tonight :)



At October 03, 2008 6:01 PM, Blogger gloria said...

lol @ afternoon naps with a baby, you KNOW you are just going to watch her sleep instead of getting any sleep of your own


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