Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Pursuit of Truth

When I was teaching the Self-Management Program for The Arthritis Society, one of the most important things we tried to teach participants was positive self-talk. Basically, we talked about trying to clear out all the lies in our heads that say we can't do something, or that our worth is wrapped up in what we're able to do physically. It's (much) easier said than done. Those lies can get such a strong foothold in our minds, and they aren't easy to shake.

I've tried to transfer this principle into other areas of my life - not letting these lies float around in my mind. Pretty tricky for a perfectionist who's harder on herself than anyone else could ever be, but I'm trying. One of the biggest steps I took was to let go of some friendships with people who were innately negative or condescending - getting rid of a powerful source of those lies. I'm still trying to figure out if walking away was the strongest thing I've ever done, or the weakest. But life is too short to fill it with friendships that tear you down instead of encouraging you and building you up. In my life, I choose truth - I choose to dwell on truth, and I choose to surround myself with people who surround themselves in love and grace and honesty and encouragement. And my life is so much richer because of it.

Now, the million dollar question is this:
What happens when the people who contribute to those lies are not people you can choose to exclude from your life? I feel like I'm about to find out just how tough I am.

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At April 11, 2007 11:07 AM, Blogger gloria said...

ahhh darling, one of my pet peeves is "friends" who encourage your weaknesses and insecurities. i am thinking you have done good...

At April 11, 2007 11:35 AM, Blogger gloria said...

oooh, another question, the Baden link, is that the same Baden I know (of) from Loewen?

At April 11, 2007 11:35 AM, Blogger gloria said...

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At April 11, 2007 12:16 PM, Blogger Lindsay said...

One and the same. He's living in LA now, but comes home to visit every once in a while.

At April 11, 2007 12:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure you have heard of boundaries and sometimes we have to use them to 'limit' the time with 'negative sounding/influencing' people, I guess. Part of the journey!


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