How to be Good
In case your New Years resolution was to do good for humanity (or if you want to get your January good deed out of the way early so you don't have to worry about it), a few ideas:There are 400,000 numbers on the Darfur Wall (representing the number of people who have died in that region since 2003). Donate $1 to light up a number and commemorate a life lost. All proceeds go to Darfur relief organizations.
You’ll rest easier knowing that all profits from the sale of the Love-Life woven wool pillow go directly to UNICEF's fund for children with HIV.
Buy one virtual bottle of H20 ($20) from Charity: Water and one person in Africa gets clean water for fifteen years.
Set up a loan and help small businesses in developing nations. At you can read profiles of those in need, lend money, and receive updates and payments.
(Information shamelessly 'borrowed' from
Of course, you're more than welcome to complete this month's good deed in the form of donations to my MCC project - collecting health kit contents for refugee camps.
And save a couple of pesos for my wicked Joints in Motion fundraising project launch, coming soon to a website near you... ;)
Labels: Stuff I Found Online
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