Heavenly Peace
My family was at Rock Lake this past weekend, away from cell phone signals or television channels or internet access. Odd, really. Because I love going to Rock Lake. But if I were anywhere else in the world and found myself without those conveniences, I'd probably hyperventilate.I woke up yesterday morning and the world was white. We'd received nearly 18 inches of snow overnight, and the lake and trees were gorgeous. The snowflakes coming down were those big, fluffy ones that are usually only found in children's books. But it was a lot of snow - so much snow that we were snowbound until a snow plow came through later in the day. Forced to relax a little longer, I found myself admiring the tranquility I saw outside the window (tranquil... other than the fact that I could see my dad and Geoff just around the corner of the lodge, trying to shovel out cars). As I sat there, I was struck with the strangest thought: 'I wonder if Saddam Hussein was executed yesterday.'
He was, as anyone with access to technology and news media would have known. A violent man met a violent end, though his was brought about by justice that his victims were denied. Thinking about it yesterday morning, I felt awful. His execution will not bring peace to his country, or to the families of his victims. He'll never even stand trial for most of the things he did. The concept of justice has never seemed so empty to me. And it seems his execution has incited a new wave of violence in Iraq. So much for heavenly peace.
And sitting there - looking at the quiet scene in front of me, interrupted only by Anica and Sophie offering to share their strawberry scratch-and-sniff stickers with me - I knew that my idea of peace is absolutely foreign to most people in the world.
Funny, but it made me feel the most Christmasy I've felt all month. Because our need for a saviour has never seemed more obvious to me.
Labels: Christmas, Current Events
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