Do you ever have one of those moments when you want to throw something or stomp your foot and haul out your whiny voice to declare that LIFE ISN'T FAIR?Really? You do?! That's SO immature, you guys.
Here's the deal. Aaron and Cait and I made plans a loooong time ago to attend the Global Justice Film Festival together this weekend. Don't laugh. It's awesome. Anyway, it's been on my calendar and I've been getting really excited for weeks and months. Don't laugh. It's awesome.
I found out last week that I need to attend a meeting on Saturday that overlaps the film festival exactly. And now it's this grand moral dilemma: volunteer commitment or friend commitment? They're both good causes. I hate that I have to decide.
To add to the total injustice of it all, Geoff is in NYC and has tickets for The Daily Show on November 7. Yep, THAT November 7 - the one-hour midterm election day special.
Not that I'd enjoy that at all.
I'm sure you all care SO MUCH about what happened. Well, nation, I decided to attend the meeting in its entirety - and have invited Aaron and Cait to join me in renting a bunch of last year's films that we didn't get to see, a little later in the day.
I'm so clever, I sometimes impress myself.
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