Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My Grown-Up Christmas List

Lindsay loves Christmas. Lindsay does not love making the annual Christmas List. Lindsay used to love writing up a Christmas List every year when people asked her to. As an adult, she finds the task quite tedious.

Here's the thing. I have *some* disposable income. And with that disposable income, I am able to purchase the dorky little things that I find myself wanting - books, movies, clothes, manicures, stuff for my house, whatever. Essentially, the classic Christmas gift options.

This leaves:
(1) Things I want that I'd never trust another human being to pick out on my behalf (and this list is extensive)
(2) Things that are too expensive for me to impulse-purchase for myself, and are therefore out of the price range traditionally affiliated with others' love for me

And so, each year, I feel my list becomes a little more ridiculous. I'm grasping at straws. It becomes oddly specific - and infinitely tiresome.

Maybe I'll just write down 'world peace' and let you all figure it out.



At November 01, 2006 8:07 PM, Blogger ka said...

AMEN sister... And it just gets more complicated as an adult. You need your families list (which your Mother coordinates - or at least MY mother does, and just buys whatever for me from my brother). And then you need the list for the in-laws. And God willing they can coordinate on their own. Or else, you have to give separate ones to separate people. It's bad enough to make a list without having to make enough lists with enough varieties that it's not like you're asking for a specific present from a specific person...

Oy. I'm stressed just thinking about it.


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