I love the football breaking the window picture. Now I need to see it in person. It's fantastic. And you're right, it is nice to see what you actually do for work - what is it again? Kick footballs? Put up flags? Or arrange all of this for other people to do? Good job, Lindsay.
Sharing the journey that has taken me from being a single girl in the advertising agency world to a married mommy running my own freelance writing and consulting business (and every random adventure in between).
THINGS I LOVE: Thunderstorms, power ballads, princess camping, exploring new cities, Jon Stewart, greatest hits CDs, clever ads, packing for a trip, George Clooney, impractical footwear, movies about spies, Starbucks, reading an entire book in one sitting, a house full of friends, movies about spies, buying presents, a perfect French manicure, warm modernist architecture, getting flowers for no reason, being faux brunette, Mary Poppins, making lists on Post-It notes, decorating for Christmas, having a brilliant middle-of-the-night 'aha!' idea and then actually remembering it in the morning / THINGS I HATE: People who whine, wearing sweats in public, 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner, birds, American tourists in foreign countries, taking down the Christmas tree, poems that rhyme, the misuse of semicolons, being lied to, unpacking after a trip, being closed-minded, naming your kid something common but then spelling it stupidly, cowboys, overly cautious drivers, fake curse words, ridiculously long surnames, strangers who start awkward conversations with you in places you can't readily escape
I love the football breaking the window picture. Now I need to see it in person. It's fantastic. And you're right, it is nice to see what you actually do for work - what is it again? Kick footballs? Put up flags?
Or arrange all of this for other people to do? Good job, Lindsay.
And you get paid to do this?
Remind me again why I left advertising? :)
Because radio is so creatively fulfilling.
Honestly, I have no idea :)
Congrats on the campagne you guys! Are you getting a lot of attention for it?
I hope so!
Winnipeg hasn't seen something this cool in terms of advertising for a while!
The glass, the brick, the goalposts on the glass building. Brilliant!
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