
So the photo shoot yesterday was cold. Really cold. So cold that I think the only words that can describe it are in some ancient Inuit language. And even then, they're probably bad words.
Of course, we managed to plan an outdoor photo shoot on the first real day of winter. Whoever still thinks that 'ad agency' and 'photo shoot' are glamorous things...
Less than 24 hours before the shoot, our original location cancelled, so I sent out another bulletin to all media outlets with the new location information. Of course, they all announced the wrong location the morning of the shoot. Fantastic.
The roads were still a little icy when we got to CanWest Global Park and discovered that - as suspected - the seats were covered in snow. Fantastic.
Due to a combination of the above factors - and whatever we did in past lives to curse ourselves - our turnout was kind of pathetic. But we managed a last-second save, compliments of Jason. He managed to locate a busload of German tourists who were happy to help out. Seriously. They didn't speak English at all, so we had to try to manage them through their translator. Too funny to even explain to you here. Just imagine the most ridiculous possible scenario in your head, and you're probably getting pretty close.
At the end of our (very cold) day, we got the shots that we needed. Now maybe someone can explain to me why we had a snowstorm in mid-October?
Oh yeah, BLAME the media. Frick. We have a word for you AGENCY people. Annoying. How many times I've had to rush to prepare last minute commercials to go to air, only to find out 5 minutes before they air that the AGENCY has changed their mind. Ugh.
Oh, wait. I used to work for a quasi-agency... Hee hee...
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