Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Donate. Feel Great!

In hope that the third time really is the charm, I'm doing it again... I've committed to RUN a 10K and raise some more money for The Arthritis Society - $6,000, to be exact.

We're going to try a few new ideas this year, and I'd like to start things off with an online auction. Basically, people will donate products or services that will be featured on a webpage, and people will be able to go online to view the items and place their bids via email. At the end of the auction, all items that have reached their minimum reserve will be awarded to the person who bid the highest. This idea worked really well for a contact of mine in Nova Scotia who is doing her first Joints in Motion in December.

I'm planning to flip the switch on this auction in early November and keep it live until the middle of the month. Some of the items that I'm already planning on will make *great* Christmas presents! We've already confirmed ticket donations from IMAX and Prairie Theatre Exchange in Winnipeg, some restaurant gift certificates, a CD library, and many other non-lame prizes.

I'm asking you to please dig deep and think of something that you, your company, or someone you know might be able to donate. Some ideas:
- Homemade cookies or other treats
- Overnight hotel getaway
- Photography services
- Homemade Christmas cards
- Babysitting
- Design services
- Gift Certificates for stores or restaurants
- Tutoring
- Scrapbooking
- Painting or framed photograph
- Mani/Pedi
- Or any other creative ideas you can think of!

Please contact me with donations and ideas... Hoping to finalize the auction items over the next 2 weeks. Thanks in advance for your support!



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