Friday, October 06, 2006

No Good Very Bad Week

You know those days when you just want to go to bed, sleep for a while, and then start over? Yep. Definitely one of Those Days today.

Actually, this whole week's been kind of like that. I'm choosing to blame it both on the general stupidity running rampant through society and on my screwy blood count that's entirely devoid of iron stores (that my doctor is seriously WAY too complacent about).

Let's see... Slept through my alarm. Early client meeting. Difficult clients all morning. Mysterious half-missing lunch. Difficult clients all afternoon. Phone ringing off the hook (but not the people I actually needed to talk to). A new record for both incoming emails (everyone but the people I actually needed emails from) and deadlines (I'm not even willing to touch that topic right now). And a to-do list that manages to grow by fifteen items for every one item I cross off it.

But I ran out to Tim's and got their last two oatmeal raisin cookies. And now I have an appointment with Kevyn the Magnficent. So maybe things are turning around?



PS - Had a client moment today that will become one of those classic stories, it's so ridiculous and funny... Realizing that this is the internet - and thus totally public - I'll just tell you to ask me about it the next time I see you. Or request by email. Or maybe I'll auction it off for charity... :)


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