Under Attack
Aaron, Caitlin, Jessica, and Geoff were over on Sunday night to see Part One of Cait's (controversial) miniseries on ABC, 'The Path to 9/11.' I caught the last half-hour last night, and I'll need to borrow a copy to see the rest of it.Honestly, I was really skeptical. But it was great (and not just because of Cait's connection to it, and our connection to Cait).

It's funny how David Cunningham (who directed the movie) is under attack because the media 'discovered' that he's a Christian. Um, must I really say it? SO WHAT. It's funny that people even care about that. Tomorrow, it will be all over the papers that he hates green peppers on his pizza. Or that he only drives domestic vehicles. Ooh, what a conspiracy! He must HATE the Japanese!
People have way too much time on their hands.
PS - Don't you love how we're all 'oh, it's CAITLIN's movie.' Like she was personally responsible for the entire thing :)
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