Faster Than a Speeding Bullet
My weekend report is late this week... My sincere apologies to those of you who live vicariously through my little Monday morning updates.My weekend was pretty good. Went to a wedding on Friday evening. Ran around like a crazy person running errands, etc. on Saturday during the day.
Saturday night, Geoff and I went to see 'Superman Returns' at IMAX. Have I mentioned lately how much I enjoy a good (bad) superhero movie? And Superman is arguably the best of them all. He has all the cool powers, kind of whatever happens to suit the situation. Oh my! Lois needs superhuman speed to save her? Check. Now she needs someone to take a bullet? Check. Flying powers? Ridiculous strength? Fireproofness? Check. Check. Check. I especially love how Superman slips on a pair of glasses and throws some brown tweed over his spandex suit, and everyone's fooled into thinking he's regular old Clark Kent. It was one of those classically bad movies that was oh so good. Add in 3D glasses for a few scenes, and it's just way too fun for words.
Sunday morning I was singing, and our Sunday School class started our new book, 'The Naked Christian.' I started reading it and it's good. Really good. I'm looking forward to getting in-depth and having some really great discussions about some of it.
I was sick yesterday, so I worked from home. One of those morning where I woke up and absolutely everything hurt. I really, truly hate those days. On the bright side, at least being 90 won't really be a shock to me. Most definitely SLOWER than a speeding bullet.
In the evening, I dragged myself out of the house and we got our bridesmaid dresses ordered for Jessica's wedding. Feels really good to have that done! I think they'll look amazing. We also got to see Jessie's dress, and it's just as beautiful as I remembered it.
There ya go.
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